Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Menghilangkan Strees dengan cara skype-ing

it's been two days in a row video call with siti using skype, yeap that's right skype - ing in the middle of midterm week. aren't we careless? hahaha

(with love from siti fajarwati palimbunga haha)

we're not careless. we're just a little bit eror. our brain is so full of subjects so we decide to relaxing a little bit and ended up skype-ing for 7 hours straight yesterday. (4 hours talking and 3 hours sleeping) someone may call us freak but we're really enjoy it. hahaha

we talk about everything!! you guys should try it. it's really fun in the middle of midterm week haha!! good luck for your tests!!!!

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